Welcome to our “light house” of
Chandra's Sri Ram SchoolEarly childhood is our special concern and we place great importance to the child’s learning environment. Hence your child can get practical training through ‘learning by doing’ in an amazing environment with latest technology and best infrastructure facilities. Special care and personal attention is taken to transform cocoons into beautiful butterflies.
Welcome to our “light house” of
Chandra's Sri Ram SchoolEarly childhood is our special concern and we place great importance to the child’s learning environment. Hence your child can get practical training through ‘learning by doing’ in an amazing environment with latest technology and best infrastructure facilities. Special care and personal attention is taken to transform cocoons into beautiful butterflies.
Why choose us
Why Chandras Sriram?
We are committed to supporting your child’s growth and happiness as they go through life’s earliest developmental milestones.
Unique features
We are following cbse curriculum (balavatika)
We have bala vatika -1 and bala vatika – 2 programs which are following cbse pattern.
- Speak only truth
- Be honest
- Respecting parents and elders by whishing “jai sreemannarayana” by folding their hands and bowing their head.
- Understanding their mistakes and rectifying them either personal or in academics.
After recognizing the talent of the child and with the consultation of the parents proper career counselling and guidance will be advised for the preparation of all competitive and scholarship exams conducted by the state, central and autonomous bodies. Enrichment classes for weak students. Scholarship awards and prizes class wise for meritorious students.

“Revolutionary blend of ancient culture, the arts elevated to a set of beliefs”

“Revolutionary blend of ancient culture, the arts elevated to a set of beliefs”
Why choose us
Why Chandras Sriram?
We are committed to supporting your child’s growth and happiness as they go through life’s earliest developmental milestones.
Unique features
We are following cbse curriculum (balavatika)
We have bala vatika -1 and bala vatika – 2 programs which are following cbse pattern.
- Speak only truth
- Be honest
- Respecting parents and elders by whishing “jai sreemannarayana” by folding their hands and bowing their head.
- Understanding their mistakes and rectifying them either personal or in academics.
After recognizing the talent of the child and with the consultation of the parents proper career counselling and guidance will be advised for the preparation of all competitive and scholarship exams conducted by the state, central and autonomous bodies. Enrichment classes for weak students. Scholarship awards and prizes class wise for meritorious students.

Why choose us
Why Chandras Sriram?
We are committed to supporting your child’s growth and happiness as they go through life’s earliest developmental milestones.
Unique features
We are following cbse curriculum (balavatika)
We have bala vatika -1 and bala vatika – 2 programs which are following cbse pattern.
- Speak only truth
- Be honest
- Respecting parents and elders by whishing “jai sreemannarayana” by folding their hands and bowing their head.
- Understanding their mistakes and rectifying them either personal or in academics.
After recognizing the talent of the child and with the consultation of the parents proper career counselling and guidance will be advised for the preparation of all competitive and scholarship exams conducted by the state, central and autonomous bodies. Enrichment classes for weak students. Scholarship awards and prizes class wise for meritorious students.
“Revolutionary blend of ancient culture, the arts elevated to a set of beliefs”

What we stand for
Our Motto
Chandra’s sri ram school motto is ‘sanskriti’ and sampradayam which goes hand in hand. Here each and every one wishes peers “jai srimannarayana”.
We treat everyone as a spiritual entry. Culture impacts are felt daily in classroom, with student’s achievements, behavior and relationships (both with teacher and peers) affected by how their culture has shaped them. Students of sri ram school are inculcated to take blessing from parents at home and from the gurus at school. By doing this, students turn blessed with knowledge, intellect strength and fame.
“It is not the honor that you take with you, but the heritage you learn behind”
“There is pure joy in being wrapped in cultural elegance”
What we stand for
Our Motto
Chandra’s sri ram school motto is ‘sanskriti’ and sampradayam which goes hand in hand. Here each and every one wishes peers “jai srimannarayana”.
We treat everyone as a spiritual entry. Culture impacts are felt daily in classroom, with student’s achievements, behavior and relationships (both with teacher and peers) affected by how their culture has shaped them. Students of sri ram school are inculcated to take blessing from parents at home and from the gurus at school. By doing this, students turn blessed with knowledge, intellect strength and fame.
“It is not the honor that you take with you, but the heritage you learn behind”
“There is pure joy in being wrapped in cultural elegance”
A place where all learn,
Our Activities

Impact of yoga and meditation on child
Physical, cognitine, emotional well-being.
A growing body of research has already shown that yoga can improve focus memory, self-esteem, academic performa, classroom behavior and can even reduce anxiety and stress in children.
students in sri ram school adhere to a daily routine that includes morning yoga sessions. Yoga is an integral part of daily routine which utilizes the moments of the body to exercise every major muscle which stimulates the health.
“Yoga is a mirror to look at ourselves from within “yoga means to unite.

Impact of shloka recitation
Vedic advaith enactment. “Prefer action over words”.
Vedic chanting is said to help to ease stress, and take one to a higher level of consciousness. Sri ram school facilitates shloka chanting as daily routine to improve concentration and memory.
It is important to teach the kids slokas to make them an achiever. The rhythmic chants and their melodic intonations have the power to calm the mind,soothe the soul ,bring about a sense of inner peace which works as a medicine to heal physical and mental illness.
“Yat bhavam tat bhavati”,
“you become what you believe”

Impact of Music
“Music is not a luxury, but a necessity”.
Music is waste the universal language of mankind!!
Where words fall, music speaks. Music is the language of the spiritual clan. The right choice of music can help block out, distraction, improve Concentration and maintain attention during study sessions. Research suggests that listen to music may lessen the impact of depression and anxiety. In Sri Ram School music is an integral part which soothes inner peace and the mental health.
“Music is self-healing”

The new age ican learning system
Our learning system is agile and fluid, keeping in mind the dynamic world our children are growing up. We believe that each child is unique and they bring in their own sets of strengths. We focus on them as they learn motor skills and explore how their world works.
With fluidic learning methodology, the what, how, and when to learn remains highly flexible, and runs smoothly. It is a more adaptive way of learning through teaching that goes beyond traditional learning.
We use multiple materials, media and mediums which include resources that have been curated and specially created to develop age-appropriate skill set in our children. The programmes are designed to set up new learning experiences that are self-motivating and self-driven to give our children a head start by helping them prepare for their first five years!